Professionals from all over the industry are gathering this week at NGA Glass Conference: Carlsbad to discuss a range of critical subjects affecting our industry. Stay tuned to NGA's LinkedIn page for continuing coverage.
View the list of companies you can expect to see attending (PDF, as of Jan. 24). Individuals registered is visible upon registration and login.
Session Spotlight: EPA Grant Workshop
NGA was selected by the EPA for a $2.1-million grant to help advance the use of EPDs and environmental transparency, and NGA member companies can get financial assistance to create their EPDs. Learn how, exclusively during this workshop.
WHO: NGA member company staff including: Sales, marketing, government affairs personnel, technical support, sustainability experts, and anyone communicating with architects
WHAT: An optional activity for NGA member companies that wish to:
- Participate in EPA grant projects
- Save investment dollars in their own EPD development
- Position themselves as proactive and ready to respond to ever-increasing requests for EPDs by state jurisdictions and architectural/design firms
WHERE: Only at NGA Glass Conference: Carlsbad, Feb. 3, from 11:30 am-5:30 pm. Lunch will be provided.
Learn more in the schedule below.
Event Information
Event Registration
Golf Scramble Add-On: $125
10th Annual Fun Run: complimentary
Registration is complimentary for spouses/significant others of registered individuals.
*Early-bird rates end after January 7, 2025.
**To provide a sampling of NGA Glass Conference activities, including the EPA Workshop, we are offering a limited registration option available for Monday, Feb. 3 and/or Tuesday, February 4th. Limited Pass includes: EPA Workshop and Welcome Reception on 2/3, and all presentations and social activities on 2/4.
Registration Policies
- Cancellation will be effective only upon receipt of a written notice to loginhelp@glass.org. All cancellations will be processed within 30 days. Conference registrants may receive a refund according to the following schedule.
- Registrants cancelling on or before January 7, 2025 shall receive a full refund minus a $50 processing fee.
- Registrants cancelling between January 8 and January 20, 2025 shall receive a 50% refund minus a $50 processing fee.
- No refunds will be made after January 20, 2025.
- By registering for NGA Glass Conference: Carlsbad, you acknowledge that your name, company name, city and state/country may be shared with other registered attendees. By attending NGA Glass Conference: Carlsbad, you acknowledge and agree to authorize NGA's capture of your image in multimedia format during the live event and consent to subsequent use of your image in the public domain by NGA. NGA disclaims all liability for the capture of your image in any multimedia format by other attendees at the event.
Schedule (Subject to Change)
Advance registration and fee required.
This is an optional activity for NGA member companies that wish to:
- Participate in EPA grant projects
- Save investment dollars in their own EPD development
- Position themselves as proactive and ready to respond to ever-increasing requests for EPDs by state jurisdictions and architectural/design firms
Lunch will be provided.
The Workshop will be used to discuss and outline plans of action that address the four key elements of the grant:
- Primary Flat Glass LCI Data Aggregation.
Goal: Improve the granularity of primary flat glass LCI data.
Who Benefits: Manufacturers [fabricators will use the results.] - EPD Generator Tool for Processed Glass
Goal: Develop a robust generator tool capable of producing both LCA data reports and full 3rd-party reviewed EPDs for processed glass products in conformance with ISO standards.
Who Benefits: Glass Processing and Fabricating NGA member companies, specifically focused on heat-treated, tempering, insulating, laminating, coated, cut, etched, drilled, polished and edged glass, etc. - EPD Development Assistance for Glass Fabricators
Goal: Provide technical, educational and financial assistance to glass fabricators for EPD development.
Who Benefits: Glass Processing and Fabricating NGA member companies, specifically focused on heat-treated, tempering, insulating, laminating, coated, cut, etched, drilled, polished and edged glass, etc. - End-of-Life LCA Data Collection on Architectural Glass Recycling
Goal: Improve understanding about glass end-of-life and quality of LCA part D data, quantifying glass recovery rates and tracking end-use outcomes for recycled glass on 1-3 deconstruction projects.
Who Benefits: Glass Recyclers, and the entire industry
The United States is heading into a new administration, and the domestic market is still feeling the effects of post-COVID inflation. What are the headwinds facing glass and glazing firms in 2025? How might proposed tariffs affect the industry? Will companies need to brace for a return to rising inflation? And how are global supply chains performing? This session, presented by Katy Devlin, NGA vice president of content & programming, offers key industry metrics to watch that will help companies navigate an uncertain environment.
The Federal Government manages a nationwide real estate portfolio of several hundred million square feet, overseeing over $100 billion in products and services via federal contracts across dozens of agencies. Hear how one agency in particular has taken an industry leading stance to establish building design, construction standards and performance requirements. Learn about these requirements as they relate to glass and glazing first-hand from government expert Lance Davis, FAIA, LEED Fellow.
This session is accredited with AIA for 1.0 LU. Notify NGA staff if you request credit and/or a certificate of attendance.
What does an all-Republican sweep of the US Presidency, House and Senate mean for the glass and glazing industry? How will the proposed tariffs impact us? Laurie Purpuro, Government Affairs Counselor for K&L Gates, NGA’s lobbying firm, will discuss these issues. Find out what NGA member participants can expect at NGA Glass & Glazing Advocacy Days in Spring 2025, and how we can frame our priority issues to be most effective when talking with legislators.
Get the latest updates on building codes and standards impacting your business. Learn how to influence the direction of the model building codes, green codes, and standards. Presented by Urmilla Sowell, NGA Vice President of Advocacy & Technical Services, Tom Culp of Birch Point Consulting, NGA Energy Codes Consultant; Thom Zaremba and Nick Resetar of Roetzel & Andress, NGA Fire and Structural Codes Consultants.
Certification program updates for safety glazing (Safety Glazing Certification Council (SGCC)), insulating glazing (Insulating Glass Certification Council (IGCC)) and Architectural Glass & Metal Technician (AGMT) Certification will be presented by Terry Schaefer and Kristin Best of Administrative Management Systems, Inc. (AMS). Amy Becker of Fenestration Glazing Industry Alliance (FGIA) will present an update on FGIA activities.
The School Security Workshop will focus on fenestration assemblies for school building security. Workshop facilitators will cover:
- Testing to ASTM F3561 Standard Test Method for Forced-Entry Resistance of Fenestration Systems After Simulated Active Shooter Attack, including details of the standard, what types of fenestration products meet the various levels, and practical testing considerations based on existing test results.
- Comparison with other security standards; Why test to F3561?
- Incorporating ASTM F3561 into the building project
- How these products also serve other applications- forced entry, safety/security + fire; security + hurricane, etc.
- School security in State and Federal legislation
- Utah Bill
- The role of surface-applied film in school security
- Refining the NGA building security one-pager
- School security building code proposal; coordination with other industry groups
- Insulating
- Laminating
- Tempering
- Decorative
- Protective Glazing
- NGA Installing Committee update
Event Engagement
Hotel Information
The Westin Carlsbad Resort & Spa
5480 Grand Pacific Dr.
Carlsbad, CA 92008
(760) 827-2800
NGA Group Rate: $209/night
resort fee has been waived
Booking Deadline: January 13, 2025