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MFG Day is Your Opportunity to Inspire the Next Generation

Students on MFG Day
MFG Day 2022

MFG Day, the manufacturing industry's annual opportunity to spotlight career opportunities and inspire the next generation, is coming up Friday, October 6. Organized by The Manufacturing Institute, an affiliate of the National Association of Manufacturers, MFG Day helps shine a spotlight on modern manufacturing careers by encouraging companies to host events for students, parents and teachers.

NGA is slated to attend member company Allegion/TGP's MFG Day event in Snoqualmie, Washington on Oct. 11. In addition to participating in the event, NGA will gather intel, resources and feedback to build a MFG Day resource playbook for its member companies to support successful events in the future.
As a way to grow your workforce, and support the industry into the future, NGA recommends that all industry manufacturers and fabricators consider hosting MFG Day events this year or in future years. NAM and the MI offer resources, including webinars and toolkits, to help companies plan successful events.

Learn more about MFG Day and hosting an event from the Manufacturing Institute. 

Let us know if your company plans to host an event.